Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Amigurumi Doll - Purple Lollipop

I recently fall in love of making "people" amigurumi.  I started making amigurumi since 6 years ago but only limited in creating "animals" amigurumi. I was so hesitate to make "people" just because I had no confidence to do their hair! Another reason was it's hard to find a natural flesh color like yarn.  Many ami friends suggested few brand and color of yarns online and I found that Caron Simply Soft in Lt Country Peach is the best of all!  

This little doll was made by the Lt Country Peach color yarn. Do you think she looks great?  I made her a simple purple dress and embroidered beads and yarn on the dress.  My daughter loves this doll so much and she names her "Purple Lollipop".  Do you think she is as sweet as a lollipop?


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